So for me, "muse" is code for "my brain." So-called "inspiration" also means, to me, "my brain." As a writer, I'm pretty self-centered. I spend a lot of time thinking about how my brain works and how my writing process works, and I use that to help me when it's not going so well.
On to feeding my brain. (Braaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!)
So far, I've always been able to write something when I sit down to write. The hard part for me is usually the sitting down part. However, some days are better than others. Some days, I feel like I have more to give the story than others.
What do I do when I don't have as much to give? (When The Muse turns her back on me, oh woe?!)
Stories, like brains (and zombies!), need food. That food is made up of snips and snaps of facts and opinions and images and emotions. Sometimes, if I feel like my brain is hungry, I decide there's nothing for it but to feed it. I start reading a new fiction book, or a new research book, or I take a night off and watch a DVD, or I exercise, or I go for a walk or go shopping, to fill up my brain with new Things. After a little while, like magic, I can sit down and the writing flows better.
What do you do when your brain is empty?
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