Erotica author, aka Elspeth Potter, on Writing from the Inside

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Picspam of Rupert Brooke

I haven't done a lot of research on Rupert Brooke (1887-1915); he's not my favorite World War One poet by a longshot, and though he died in Greece while in the army (on the way to Gallipoli), he never saw combat. William Butler Yeats once described him as "the handsomest young man in England," though, and I do agree he was very, very pretty.

The Rupert Brooke Society.


  1. Nice collection! I need to orgnaize my wall of bookshelves and find my poetry. Thanks for the prod!

  2. I confess, I was not much thinking of his poetry as I out these photos together....

  3. I never knew he never saw combat!!

    (He was one good-looking poet, though!)

  4. Might have made a pretty vampire...this story idea is free of charge....

  5. That is a GOOD story idea!
